result count: 5

Sys426594_nameDaily Cleaning
Sys426594_szquest_accept_detailWe're still trying to establish friendly relations with the natives, but they won't accept us. Whether they welcome us or not, Ailic's patience is inexhaustible. We still have the opportunity to find out more about the life of this people. That should be reward enough for us.\n\nTo ensure the health of the natives, we'll have to motivate them to maintain a certain level of hygiene in their shelters. That's why our holy mission is <CY>pulling weeds and caring for the environment</CY>! Come on, let's help the Hulu together!
Sys426594_szquest_complete_detailLet's keep going! I hope that someday they'll understand how important cleanliness is!
Sys426594_szquest_descContinue forging good relations with the Hulu tribe. Go to the Hulu village to pull weeds and clean things up
Sys426594_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou need to be careful while you're near the camp. These natives can be very...temperamental.