result count: 5

Sys426599_nameTastes Like Beef
Sys426599_szquest_accept_detailThe quality of the [<S>242968|Bloodthirsty Giant Wolf Filets] that you brought back is really good. Whether grilled or roasted, it smells so good your mouth waters uncontrollably. Everyone who tries it praises the gods and wolfs it down, smiling contentedly.\n\nWould you get a few more [<S>242968|Bloodthirsty Giant Wolf Filets] for us? We'll be very grateful.
Sys426599_szquest_complete_detail[Sys426589_szquest_complete_detail|Thank you for your help. You're really a brave fellow.]
Sys426599_szquest_descHelp [122865|Jamie Pageni] hunting [<S>107932|Bloodthirsty Giant Wolves] near the [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village]. Acquire 10 [<S>242968|Bloodthirsty Giant Wolf Filets].
Sys426599_szquest_uncomplete_detailI beg you to help. My only wish is that I could see the happy faces of those who've had the pleasure of tasting that delicacy just one more time.