result count: 5

Sys426603_nameResearching an Unknown Pattern
Sys426603_szquest_accept_detailThe Hulu tribe is exceptionally close to nature. I'm very interested in their native culture. Can you go to the [ZONE_BODO_WIND|Hulu Village] and look for a [242972|Hulu Artifact]?
Sys426603_szquest_complete_detailThe culture of these natives is truly fascinating. If only we had more [242972|Hulu Artifact], we'd be able to find out so much more about them.
Sys426603_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_BODO_WIND|Hulu Village]. Find 10 [<S>242972|Hulu Artifacts] and bring them to [122866|Earl Hull].
Sys426603_szquest_uncomplete_detail[Sys426593_szquest_uncomplete_detail|Knowledge is power and research is eternal.]