result count: 10

keystringeneu\n\n(The [123077|Treeified Pirate] whimpers in pain.) me...\n\n(The [123077|Treeified Pirate] moans so loudly you can't hear yourself think.)
SC_Z28Q426621_3(The pirate in front of you's skin is covered with a strange layer. In places the shell looks just like the bark of a tree.\n\nThe most surprising thing though is that there appears to be absolutely no flesh underneath the shell. Rather than calling this a disease, it would probably be more fitting to say that this pirate's body is literally turning into a tree.)
SC_Z28Q426621_AN_1What happened that you are in such a state as this?
SC_Z28Q426621_AN_2(You investigate the [123077|Treeified Pirate].)
Sys426621_nameTree Plague
Sys426621_szquest_accept_detailDo you know the pirate who looks like a tree? As curious as you are, whatever you do, don't touch him! Ailic's men serve as a terrible warning in this case. You know how our researcher friends can't keep their curiosity in check. In the end they too will end up as trees.\n\nI'm pretty sure that the results of this treeification will become ever more serious. Maybe we could find out more from this [123077|Treeified Pirate]?\n\nBy the by, this word 'treeification' isn't an invention of mine. I overheard various pirates here talking about it. It seems to be a truly terrifying disease.
Sys426621_szquest_complete_detailAre you sure? You mean, they don't only look like trees, but they will actually become real trees?\n\nSomeone comes bursting in here full of this deadly disease and the innkeeper has nothing to say about it? It seems to be completely irrelevant to him. I think he knows exactly what's going on here. Maybe he even has something to do with this treeification.
Sys426621_szquest_descExamine the [123077|Treeified Pirate] in the [ZONE_WASTE_BOATHOUSE_BAR|Sign of the Creaking Wreck].
Sys426621_szquest_uncomplete_detailThese researchers' courage is indescribable. Even a professional adventurer like myself could learn a thing or two from them.