result count: 7

SC_Z28Q426628_01How should the search for the [242980|Rainbow Stone] proceed?
SC_Z28Q426628_02Ka-bang-bang, then you really know of [242980|Rainbow Stone]?\n\nIt's extremely difficult to find a [242980|Rainbow Stone]. You must search in [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge]. Even though it isn't certain that you'll find anything. Ka-bang. [242980|Rainbow Stone] attracts wild beasts. Whoever defeats beasts can get [242980|Rainbow Stone]!
Sys426628_nameRainbow Stone
Sys426628_szquest_accept_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! Hero wants to cure hero friend of poison. Hero must find holy [242980|Rainbow Stone], blessed by Xabu ancestors. Legend say, only true hero find stone. Xabu ancestors give hero their blessing. He is in contact with spirits, and spirits not curse him. Courageous hero fears no evil, hero saves the Xabu. The Xabu worship hero. The <CY>Chief of the Xabu</CY> knows where [242980|Rainbow Stone] is. Only [242980|Rainbow Stone] can cure hero friend.
Sys426628_szquest_complete_detailKa-bang-bang! You know of the [242980|Rainbow Stone]?
Sys426628_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge] and ask the Chief of the Xabu [123100|Wapawapa] how to find the [242980|Rainbow Stone].
Sys426628_szquest_uncomplete_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! The Xabu ancestors love the Xabu. The Xabu ancestors love merry feasts.