result count: 7

SC_Z28Q426629_01When light falls on it, the stone glows the seven colors. Very pretty.
SC_Z28Q426629_02As you pick up the [242980|Rainbow Stone], beasts appear around you. These creatures were obviously drawn in by the [242980|Rainbow Stone].
Sys426629_nameThe Chief of the Xabu
Sys426629_szquest_accept_detail(You explain to the tribal chief how you saved [123099|Tatakka].)\n\nYou saved Xabu shaman [123099|Tatakka]? And he explained [242980|Rainbow Stone] can cure hero friend of Poison of Life?\n\nHmm...[242980|Rainbow Stone] can indeed cure Poison of Life. You must go to [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge]. Legend say [242980|Rainbow Stone] attracts wild beasts. Only true hero can defeat these wild creatures, and so get [242980|Rainbow Stone].\n\nKa-bang! Ka-bang! Hero wants to save friend. Hero must go to [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge]. Only true hero is protected by Xabu ancestors.
Sys426629_szquest_complete_detail(You take the Rainbow Stone from your bag and hand it to the chief of the tribe. He looks to be extremely pleased.)\n\nKa-bang-bang! You are hero of Xabu. Ancestors appeared and helped hero find [242980|Rainbow Stone] so he can cure friend.\n\nKa-bang! Ka-bang! The ancestors have appeared!\n\n(The Xabu chief spreads his arms and issues a loud cry.)
Sys426629_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge] and find the [242980|Rainbow Stone].
Sys426629_szquest_uncomplete_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! The Xabu love hero! Hero will find [242980|Rainbow Stone]!