result count: 8

SC_Z28Q426630_01Ka-bang! Quickly! To the altar!
SC_Z28Q426630_02I'm ready to take part in the ceremony.
SC_Z28Q426630_03Spirits of the ancestors! Tribe of the Xabu! Let us rejoice in song together! Let us dance and welcome our new hero!
Sys426630_nameReturn of the Hero
Sys426630_szquest_accept_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! Ka-ka-bang! \n\nThe ancestors have appeared. Ancestors love hero. Xabu love hero!\n\nYou can feel it. Xabu can feel ancestors. Ancestors love hero. Ancestors want to meet hero.\n\nKa-bang! Ka-bang! Hurry, hero must go to altar!
Sys426630_szquest_complete_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! Xabu shaman is returned and brings hero friend. Shaman is returned!
Sys426630_szquest_descGo to the Xabu altar and complete the ceremony of the returning hero.
Sys426630_szquest_uncomplete_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! Ancestors love hero! Xabu love hero!