result count: 7

SC_Z28Q426631_01Ka-bang-bang. I pray for blessing of ancestors. May hero friends come back to life.
SC_Z28Q426631_02Wonderful. Ancestors have already driven Poison of Life from his body.
Sys426631_nameThe Value of Life
Sys426631_szquest_accept_detail([123158|Wapawapa] hands you the Rainbow Stone after praying to the ancestors.)\n\nKa-bang! Ka-bang! Xabu love compassionate and honorable hero who saves hero friend. Hero needs [242980|Rainbow Stone] to save hero friend. [242980|Rainbow Stone] is blessed by ancestors and can cure hero friend.\n\nKa-bang! Ka-bang! Xabu hero takes [242980|Rainbow Stone] to save hero friend.\n\nHero friend waits for [242980|Rainbow Stone] with the shaman.
Sys426631_szquest_complete_detailHero found [242980|Rainbow Stone]. Hero takes [242980|Rainbow Stone] and saves hero friend. Xabu want to help hero to save hero friend.\n\nPoison of Life not so bad. But greedy men want to take powerful life force for themselves, to have eternity. That is not goal of life. Life must pass. Life must end. Only so can we experience highs and lows, and appreciate friendship. Ka-bang!\n\nHero is not greedy. Hero is protected by ancestors, will not be cursed by Poison of Life.\n\nKa-bang! Xabu honor hero for this! Ka-bang!
Sys426631_szquest_descBring the [242980|Rainbow Stone] to the shaman [123099|Tatakka] to save [123144|Mr. Figg].
Sys426631_szquest_uncomplete_detailHero friend is suffering the curse. Hero friend needs [242980|Rainbow Stone] to return to us.