result count: 9

SC_Z28Q426632_01I seem to have lost the [242706|Black Crystal] en route. Have you seen it?
SC_Z28Q426632_02How careless of you! Ka-bang! [123099|Tatakka] will help you to collect it!
SC_Z28Q426632_03Is it true that [119405|Papowaka] can dispel the [242706|Black Crystal's] curse?
SC_Z28Q426632_04Ka-bang. That is true. When [119405|Papowaka] has devoured the [242706|Black Crystal's] curse, the poison will pass over to his body. [119405|Papowaka] be filled with life force and can turn himself into powerful and dangerous creature. Only with special ceremony can this creature be placated.\n\nThis not without its dangers. Will you do it? Ka-bang-bang?
Sys426632_nameCurse, Holy Beast, Guardian
Sys426632_szquest_accept_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! Xabu rescued hero friend. Xabu used hero [242980|Rainbow Stone] to rescue hero friend.\n\n[242980|Rainbow Stone] rescued hero friend. [242980|Rainbow Stone] take over curse of hero friend, is now [242706|Black Crystal].\n\n[242706|Black Crystal] carries sickness within it. [242706|Black Crystal] hurts Xabu. [242706|Black Crystal] must be destroyed. [119405|Papowaka] can beat curse. [123155|Zimazzi] knows how to beat curse. Hurry, take [242706|Black Crystal] to [123155|Zimazzi]. Hero protects Xabu, protects friends. Curse must be broken.
Sys426632_szquest_complete_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang! Holy Beast of the Earth protects Xabu. Holy Beast of the Earth will devour curse.
Sys426632_szquest_descTake the [242706|Black Crystal] and look for [123155|Zimazzi].
Sys426632_szquest_uncomplete_detailKa-bang! Ka-bang-bang! Xabu watch over Holy Beast of the Earth.