result count: 11

SC_Z28Q426639_01These snacks were prepared by [123105|Wakka].
SC_Z28Q426639_02Ka-bang! Ka-bang! Unhappy? Why?\n\nNo problem at all! A ceremony will take place in Xabu village soon. Will be fun! Will cheer people up! Ka-bang!\n\nThere's so much to do! As always, when there's ceremony to plan, ka-bang!
SC_Z28Q426639_03Delicious! [123105|Wakka] is really great!
SC_Z28Q426639_04There isn't enough candy!
SC_Z28Q426639_05Who'd have thought my candy would be so popular? Excellent!\n\nI've got loads of candy here! Help yourself! It all has to go!
SC_Z28Q426639_06Ka-bang-bang. There's been so much to do for ceremony preparations recently that I don't know what to do first! I don't have enough time to give my thanks personally, ka-bang!\n\nPlease give [123105|Wakka] my thanks.
Sys426639_nameA Little Heart and Soul
Sys426639_szquest_accept_detailThese little natives are really interesting. They're tiny, always dancing around in circles, occasionally crying out "Kabumm! Kabumm!" So cute!\n\nOh yes, you're the first mate from [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates]!\n\nDo you like this Xabu tribe as well? Would you like to join them with me?\n\nRecently these little guys have been very dismissive of me. They used to come and dance and sing with they pay me barely a moment's notice and just walk past me quickly. I feel so lonely!\n\nBut today I prepared these snacks. I hoped I'd be able to eat some with them and then we could sing and dance and spend the afternoon together! But I can't bring myself to face their coldness. I just can't gather the courage to go to them, even though I've already prepared these snacks. Ailic's First Mate, could you deliver them to the little ones?
Sys426639_szquest_complete_detail(You tell [123105|Wakka] the news about the Xabu tribe's preparations for the sacrificial ceremony...)\n\nAh! So they're preparing an important feast... It appears that I still don't fully understand them. I need to do some more research, starting by helping them with their preparations\n\n([123105|Wakka] joyfully stretches out her arms and joins the circle of dancing natives.)
Sys426639_szquest_descBring the natives of the Xabu tribe [123105|Wakka's] snacks.
Sys426639_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh, what a shame... What did I do to make the sweet little things angry with me?