result count: 7

SC_Z28Q426642_01Do you know what this picture represents?
SC_Z28Q426642_02Of course I know! You can see it at first glance. It shows a ceremony held in honor of the ancestors. I've never taken part in it myself, but from what I've heard, all such rituals involving offerings to the ancestors take place near water.\n\nThe two pretty things on this picture are splashing in the water, but not for fun. They're doing it to beg for the ancestors' blessing and to cleanse their bodies of evil, demonic influences. Some other things done in this ceremony include casting boats adrift or drinking the "water of the ancestors"... But you only ever see this ceremony when there's been some misfortune in the village. You haven't been around these lovely creatures for very long, so it's not surprising that you don't understand everything yet.
Sys426642_nameHistory in Pictures
Sys426642_szquest_accept_detailNo...I simply don't know what to do anymore... These pictures I found earlier are really complicated. It's like every page is dancing in front of my eyes, I simply can't keep them apart. If this continues I won't be able to continue recording the Xabu history...\n\nWait, let me think. There's a pirate among the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] who's also researching Xabu culture and habits. Her name is [123105|Wakka]. I noticed she seems to have developed some level of understanding with the Xabu in the village. Maybe she can understand the meaning of these illustrations. Could you take these pictures to her and ask about their meaning?
Sys426642_szquest_complete_detail(You tell [123106|Nicole Loppin] [123105|Wakka's] suspicions...)\n\nAh, so that's what it's about! It's a ceremony for the water spirit. When there's a bad epidemic in the village or some other catastrophe occurs, they beg their ancestors for help. They help each other to wash off the spirits that cling to their bodies. That's why they call the ceremony the 'purification'.\n\nExcellent, I have to write that down.\n\n([123106|Nicole Loppin] writes down what you told her in her notebook, which is full to bursting with jottings.)
Sys426642_szquest_descTake the Xabu pictures [123106|Nicole Loppin] found to [123105|Wakka] and ask her about their meaning.
Sys426642_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat's happening in this picture? Are they bathing? Or swimming? Surely they're not sunbathing?