result count: 7

SC_Z28Q426645_01You have received some [497432|Water Energy Runes].
SC_Z28Q426645_02You can only use this on an [123109|Unripened Pumpkin].
Sys426645_nameWatered With Love
Sys426645_szquest_accept_detailKa-bang, ka-bang, lalala, plants are living beings, only need to be patient, sprinkle with love and they become ka-bang! ka-bang! big and strong!\n\n([123108|Labulobu] stretches out his arms and utters a cry of joy.)\n\nThis year we will have a good harvest, [123108|Labulobu] will prepare much for ancestors, lots of tasty fruit. [123108|Labulobu] prepares lots and lots of [<S>242075|Pumpkins for the Sacrificial Ceremony]. Xabu hero helps [123108|Labulobu] to bring tasty fruits to ancestors?\n\n[123108|Labulobu] has many [<S>123109|Unripened Pumpkins] which will become [<S>242075|Pumpkins for the Sacrificial Ceremony]. Xabu hero needs [123110|Watering Can] first. Use [497432|Water Energy Rune] before end of [623290|Best Irrigation Time] on the [<S>123109|Unripened Pumpkins] to get [<S>242075|Pumpkins for the Sacrificial Ceremony]. Please help [123108|Labulobu] to prepare [<S>242075|Pumpkins for the Sacrificial Ceremony].
Sys426645_szquest_complete_detailKa-bang, ka-bang, lalala, Xabu warrior will help [123108|Labulobu] collect lots of tasty fruits to give to ancestors.\n\n([123108|Labulobu] stretches his arms out and utters a cry of joy.)
Sys426645_szquest_descUse the [497432|Water Energy Rune] of the [<S>123110|Watering Cans] before the end of the [623290|Best Irrigation Time] to water the [<S>123109|Unripened Pumpkins] and harvest 5 [<S>242075|Pumpkins for the Sacrificial Ceremony].
Sys426645_szquest_uncomplete_detailKa-bang, ka-bang, lalala, [123108|Labulobu] will prepare tastiness for the ancestors, tasty fruits. Xabu Bodo will help [123108|Labulobu] to collect lots of [<S>242075|Pumpkins for the Sacrificial Ceremony].