result count: 11

SC_Z28Q426650_01I lost the grass rope...
SC_Z28Q426650_02Ka-bang! No idiot can become warrior! I will give you new grass rope. Be more careful this time! Ka-bang!
SC_Z28Q426650_03The [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard] frees itself from the grass rope immediately. In your haste, you knock the [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard] unconscious with your bare hands.
SC_Z28Q426650_04After the [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard] wakes up it tries to attack [123159|Sargolya] and uses the latter's surprise as a chance to escape...
SC_Z28Q426650_05Invalid target.
SC_Z28Q426650_06You've caught the [243072|Stunned Tapatapa Crag Lizard]. Now bring the [243072|Stunned Tapatapa Crag Lizard] back to [123159|Sargolya] quickly!
Sys426650_nameEvery Warrior Needs A Lizard
Sys426650_szquest_accept_detailKa-bang, ka-bang! [123159|Sargolya] will be bravest Xabu warrior!\n\nBrave warrior needs a terrifying animal as a pet. Most terrifying animal in all [ZONE_TAPATAPA_GORGE|Tapatapa Gorge] is the [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard]!\n\nHere, take this grass rope I made. It is very sturdy. Use it to capture one of the [<S>107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizards] and bring it back. You can then be a companion of bravest warrior. Bravest warrior is of course me!\n\nI wait here for you and practice the way of the warrior.
Sys426650_szquest_complete_detailSuperb! That is bravest warrior's companion! Defeating a [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard] is child's play.\n\n([123159|Sargolya] holds the unconscious [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard's] lead in his hand. The [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard] is however just about coming to...)
Sys426650_szquest_descUse [241745|Sargolya's Grass Rope] to catch a [107345|Tapatapa Crag Lizard].
Sys426650_szquest_uncomplete_detailOne, two, one, two...If I want to be the bravest warrior of the Xabu, then I'll need to do these exercises every day. It'll keep me in shape ready for combat!