result count: 5

Sys426659_nameGraveyard Spirits
Sys426659_szquest_accept_detailI don't understand. Why are you involving yourself in the affairs of the spirits? It's none of your business! But now all will have to suffer, as the sorrow takes them prisoner.\n\nThe [107943|Grand Spirit] has his eye on it. The essence of all rebellious spirits is kept locked in his heart. For them to be freed, the [107943|Grand Spirit] must be extinguished. But nobody is capable of that.
Sys426659_szquest_complete_detailGrief binds the spirits in the [107943|Grand Spirit's] grasp. The [107943|Grand Spirit] studies you sceptically for involving yourself in his affairs.\n\nThe spirits cannot be completely released, for the [107943|Grand Spirit] always returns. His rancor rises with every return. He is invincible! Better that you leave this place, quickly.
Sys426659_szquest_descExtinguish the [107943|Grand Spirit] to free the captive souls.
Sys426659_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe blue flame burning atop the [107943|Grand Spirit's] head is akin to his heart. Only by destroying that can you extinguish the [107943|Grand Spirit].