result count: 7
keystring | eneu |
SC_Q426675_01 | Get a report from him about the other people affected. |
SC_Q426675_02 | After all you've been through, a ritual with <CY>human sacrifices</CY> shouldn't be anything out of the ordinary for you any more, eh?\n\nBut that's exactly why the <CY>Xabu people</CY> have taken some people prisoner. They are to be used as <CY>sacrificial offerings</CY> in the next ceremony.\n\nI fear the people you are looking for have already fallen victim to them. |
Sys426675_name | Access to Information |
Sys426675_szquest_accept_detail | Given the current situation, we can't afford to start the research again from scratch.\n\n[$playername]! You should head for <CY>Mezzmillo's Domicile</CY>. There you'll find the researcher [123068|Thunderhoof Robert].\n\nThere's not a researcher in the world who knows the area around the ruins and the intentions of the <CY>Scarlet Blaze people</CY> better than he does. We ought to be able to learn something from him, that will help us plan our next moves. |
Sys426675_szquest_complete_detail | You needn't worry just yet. The <CY>Scarlet Blaze people</CY> won't do anything to their sacrifices before the sacrificial ceremony.\n\nThat means we still have some time to clarify a few things. Wouldn't you agree? |
Sys426675_szquest_desc | Go to <CY>Mezzmillo's Domicile</CY> and find [123068|Thunderhoof Robert]. Ask him about the other people affected. |
Sys426675_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Hey! Be on your guard! You don't want to end up being <CY>sacrificed</CY>, do you? |