result count: 11

SC_426697_1Do you know about this place? Why are there so many shipwrecks here?
SC_426697_2I bet you're dying to ask some questions, aren't you? The giant shipwrecks here on land probably belong to [122980|Kidd's] fleet. [122980|Kidd] left these ships behind on purpose, perhaps as a striking symbol of his existence.\n\nThere are various clues pointing to [122980|Kidd] having profound knowledge of the power of the runes. He used this knowledge to his strategic benefit, bringing gigantic war vessels into play. His fleet achieved an unheard of level of perfection.\n\nIn this way, Kidd was able to become the king of the pirates and the lord of the seven seas within a few short years.
SC_426697_3Is that ship with the giant mast there [122980|Kidd's] ship?
SC_426697_4Hard to believe, but that's how it is.\n\nAccording to legend, after becoming king of the pirates, the young [122980|Kidd] became ever more overbearing. It became impossible to satisfy him, and he furnished his ships with the most varied abilities. He could traverse not only the seas and the skies, but according to legend, also space. Kidd's Sons joke that Kidd's ships were so heavily laden with the treasures of other worlds that they had to go aground here. All of which naturally led to a great many rumors.\n\nBut even if all of this is just rumor and legend, the whereabouts of [SC_KIDSTREATURE|Kidd's Hidden Treasure] on these islands is considered a proven fact among the pirates.
SC_426697_5Unbelievable. Do you happen to know someone by the name of "[123184|Leorden]"?
SC_426697_6[123184|Leorden] and [122980|Kidd] have absolutely nothing to do with one another. [123184|Leorden] is merely interested in treasures and riches.\n\nWhen the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] came to the island, [123184|Leorden] used all of his wealth and cunning to take control of this area. Apparently he exposed these ships during excavations and recovered most of the treasure. Others claim, however, that he found absolutely nothing at all.\n\nBut as you've seen yourself, the [ZONE_LYORD_STRONGHOLD|Leorden Stronghold] became a place where the pirates go to relax. Now and again, someone might try to capture the area, but up to now every attempt has come to nothing.
Sys426697_nameLeorden and the Stronghold
Sys426697_szquest_accept_detailDo you find this place somehow strange, too? There are ship wrecks on land all over the place. But what do they have to do with the pirates' war?\n\nJust look at these giant sailing masts. And the area occupied by [107972|Leorden] is even weirder. It seems to have been not so much destroyed, but rather left behind. There are many legends, but are they true?
Sys426697_szquest_complete_detailThe sea is a keeper of many secrets. Anyone who can control a stronghold of such magnitude on an island like this must know a trick or two.\n\nThat is to say, I'm sure [107972|Leorden] has his own aims. We ought to proceed with caution.
Sys426697_szquest_descTry to find out more about [107972|Leorden] and the [ZONE_LYORD_STRONGHOLD|Leorden Stronghold] from [123177|Kaldon].
Sys426697_szquest_uncomplete_detailAs for the question, I'm curious about that too.