result count: 5

Sys426706_szquest_accept_detailIf that really is a piece of the [243087|Sun Amulet], why did they break it into pieces?\n\nI can only assume that they didn't want anyone to find it on them, so they took a few precautions and smashed it into smaller bits.\n\nIt's easier to keep in bits. Wait, let me show it to you. If Chuck had one, then his brother [108333|Hank] will have one as well. I'll bring light to their lies.\n\nSo [123186|Katalozzi] was deceiving me. They had the [243087|Sun Amulet] with them the whole time. They'll pay for that.
Sys426706_szquest_complete_detailThis piece looks a little bit like the [243011|New Moon Tooth]. I assume these pieces belong to the second component.
Sys426706_szquest_descRetrieve the [243081|Right Solar Hemisphere] from [108333|Hank] of the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates].
Sys426706_szquest_uncomplete_detailThese pitiable wretches. You should realize that you can't fool us any more!