result count: 5

Sys426708_nameSun Core
Sys426708_szquest_accept_detailI honestly thought these pieces were lost for eternity. What fortune that you've managed to get them back!\n\nThough there's still a piece missing. The [243087|Sun Amulet] can't be reassembled without it. That must be why all these pirates have come here. They're looking for it.\n\nThe piece is as valuable as my life. But today I was able to exact my revenge, so I can safely leave it with you.
Sys426708_szquest_complete_detailIf the [243082|Sun Core] is combined with the other pieces, the true [243087|Sun Amulet] can be remade.\n\nThis piece looks like it really might be the energy source for the [243087|Sun Amulet]. But how can we recombine these individual pieces?\n\nI bet Ailic's people would know how to help us.
Sys426708_szquest_descTake the [243082|Sun Core] to [123181|Will Kanches].
Sys426708_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy does the [123185|Pygmy Hunter] look so sad?