result count: 5

Sys426736_nameTrespassing Forbidden
Sys426736_szquest_accept_detailThe [107943|Grand Spirit] has'll have to rescue them all again...
Sys426736_szquest_complete_detailIf the spirits do not grieve, they can't release themselves of the [107943|Grand Spirit's] clutches. That's why the [107943|Grand Spirit] isn't too amused about your getting involved in these affairs.\n\nSpirits cannot be extinguished entirely. The [107943|Grand Spirit] will return sooner or later, and I fear the rage in him will increase each time he reappears. Quickly, leave this place!
Sys426736_szquest_descExtinguish the [107943|Grand Spirit] to free the captive souls.
Sys426736_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe blue flame burning atop the [107943|Grand Spirit's] head is akin to its heart. Only by destroying that can you extinguish the [107943|Grand Spirit].