result count: 5

Sys426780_nameWhere Are You Hiding?
Sys426780_szquest_accept_detailOne comrade who was in Kashaylan already has told me a lot. There were a few contradictions I'd still like to clear up with Kidd's Sons, but they only avoid my questions. As far as I can tell, a few of their most important people regularly head to Kashaylan. Maybe there's some kind of secret there.\n\nApart from that, I wanted to find out from [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons] where [123232|Paga] is, but they only answered me in riddles: "Light the candle, rove through the haze and find the noble young maiden." Are they trying to test me or what?\n\nBah, I'm not all that bad at word games and anagrams.\n\n[$Playername], you're not up to this game of questions and answers. Go and help [123224|Chester] instead. I sent him into The Haze to gather information. I promised I'd soon follow him, but I totally forgot. By now he's probably got cold feet and is cowering in some bushes.
Sys426780_szquest_complete_detailHonorable Mate! There are you at last. I knew you'd come. That's why I was waiting here, even though I was afraid. They almost found me, but I remained here.\n\nHuuuuh! Huuuuh! You and Captain Will didn't turn up, although we'd arranged a time. I just hid myself and waited. Huuuuh!
Sys426780_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_VEILED_BRIM|The Haze] and find [123224|Chester].
Sys426780_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'm not here, I'm not here... no one is here! Go away, go away!