result count: 6

SC_Z29Q426785_1[123231|Will Kanches] disappears into the transport circle.
Sys426785_nameAncient Mindsets
Sys426785_szquest_accept_detailWhat do you reckon? Where would you end up with this transport circle? What could Kidd have gone to such lengths to hide on the other side?\n\nWe'll have to investigate ourselves. [$Playername], you remain here for now. Not that we all end up walking into a trap.\n\nCan you wait here and also make sure that [123254|Chester] and his wife remain safe? If I don't return after a certain amount of time, then follow me and get me out of there, haha!
Sys426785_szquest_complete_detailI'm really worried. Captain Will still hasn't appeared. Nothing can have happened to him, can it?
Sys426785_szquest_descMake the place safe and dispatch 10 [<S>108253|Haze Witches].
Sys426785_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis ancient transport magic can only take effect through the combination of multiple spells. It's extremely demanding. It's also limited to bridging very short stretches, which is why this transport magic wasn't often used in the past. At the same time, it shows that whoever used this magic put great store in whatever place this transport magic leads to.