result count: 28

SC_Z30Q426804_1It isn't completely clear. I thought [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] had already employed [123329|Kidd] for his own foul purposes, but something's not right.
SC_Z30Q426804_10Not that you could know, but Kidd's sons officially beseeched me to put you out of your misery. Whether I do or not depends on how annoying you are.
SC_Z30Q426804_11[123329|Kidd], do you still remember [118567|Ghost Helmsman Charlie] and [122870|Consul Keith]?
SC_Z30Q426804_12You see your inferiors as your brothers. And they also see me as their brother. So let me give you some brotherly advice.
SC_Z30Q426804_13Talking doesn't help, Will. We have to act. It's possible that [123329|Kidd] doesn't recognize the looming danger, lulling himself instead into a false sense of security!'re right.
SC_Z30Q426804_15Kidd has activated the magic circle on the glass floor.
SC_Z30Q426804_16Very good...
SC_Z30Q426804_17As soon as [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] is underneath the glass floor, the magic circle spontaneously disappears.
SC_Z30Q426804_18I trust no one. Still, if I had to choose from between those threatening me, I'd have to choose the one who calls the names of my companions.
SC_Z30Q426804_19You seriously want to lock me in here? What sort of game are you playing at? Don't the lives of your inferiors mean anything to you?
SC_Z30Q426804_2It looks like the two of them are having a quarrel. Let's leave it be for the time being. Who knows whether that might be of some use to us! As the proverb says: when two dogs fight for a bone, the third one runs away with it.
SC_Z30Q426804_20Anyone who managed to follow me into the Otherworld must have some strength in them.
SC_Z30Q426804_21Excellent! But come the end you will all recognize your failings. Hahaha!
SC_Z30Q426804_22I sense there's something you want to ask of me. Very well, since you know [122870|Consul Keith] and the others, I'll listen to you.
SC_Z30Q426804_3Just hold on, you jester! Stop talking such nonsense!
SC_Z30Q426804_4King of the Pirates. Think long and hard about whether you want to refuse. Once, when you were still in the prime of your life, your very name probably spread fear and terror. But times have changed.
SC_Z30Q426804_5You have to remove the glass floor seal, hand me the device for controlling the power of "taming" and help my master to return from the dead. You will of course benefit from it as well.
SC_Z30Q426804_6You're wasting your breath! I'll never change my mind.
SC_Z30Q426804_7You really are a stubborn mule! Fortunately I was well prepared for this.
SC_Z30Q426804_8They say that [123329|Kidd] sees his inferiors more as brothers. What do you reckon? Who are the better fighters: your lot or mine?
SC_Z30Q426804_9[SC_SCMD_01|Sismond], not even the researchers on my ship think much of your henchmen.
SC_Z30Q426804_AN_1What happened?
SC_Z30Q426804_AN_2I don't like it...
Sys426804_nameBurying Evil
Sys426804_szquest_accept_detailQuick! [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] has already advanced into the depths of the burial chamber!
Sys426804_szquest_complete_detailFinally, [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] won't be able to cause any more havoc. That's really fantastic news.
Sys426804_szquest_descHead through the transport portal and meet [123358|Will Kanches]. Foil [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond's] plans.