result count: 12

SC_Z29Q426821_01Shake these [<S>123215|Research Instruments].
SC_Z29Q426821_02Shake the Research Instruments
SC_Z29Q426821_03The instrument is already in use.
SC_Z29Q426821_04The chemical wasn't shaken enough. Production of [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical] failed.
SC_Z29Q426821_05Production of [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical] successful.
SC_Z29Q426821_06You've shaken it too hard. Production of [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical] failed.
SC_Z29Q426821_07The [242942|Unfinished Anti-Parasite Chemical] has been used up. Bring me some more!
Sys426821_nameThe Final Step
Sys426821_szquest_accept_detailFirst Mate, producing the [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical] is fairly complicated. But we've managed to produce the final precursor here. Please, use these [<S>123215|Research Instruments] here and put the [242942|Unfinished Anti-Parasite Chemical] inside. Give it a good shake and the [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical] is ready!
Sys426821_szquest_complete_detailFirst Mate, where would we be without you? You've managed to make the [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical]! This [209973|chemical] won't be enough to treat all of the infected creatures, but it's a start. Eventually we'll be able to save every animal in the Jungle of Irunia.
Sys426821_szquest_descThe last stage in creating the Anti-Parasite Chemical: put Ailic's Pirates' [242942|Unfinished Anti-Parasite Chemical] in the [123215|Research Instrument], give it a good shake and produce the [209973|Anti-Parasite Chemical].
Sys426821_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe've often been held up producing this chemical, but we're nearing the end now.