result count: 9

SC_426839_1How is the young lady?
SC_426839_2[123239|Sismond] didn't show any mercy. Although we've already used the healing powers of the Water's Tutelage in the [ZONE_WALOR_VILLAGE|Walu Village], it still hasn't improved.\n\nHer condition is unstable and is worsening by the hour.\n\nMaybe those medical flasks you brought with you the only chance we have. If the situation gets out of hand I'll have to make a spontaneous decision.\n\nApart from which, we have to stop Sismond. But how?
SC_426839_3Don't lose courage. We aren't beaten yet.
SC_426839_4True. You've taken great pains. I shouldn't give up so easily.\n\n[123247|Paga] has all the keys. She sacrificed herself for us when she took on [123239|Sismond's] deadly attack. There must still be something we can do for her.\n\nBut [123239|Sismond] has disappeared again. He obviously wants to avoid any kind of direct confrontation. We have to make the most of the opportunity while it's still there. It could be the best chance we get of making an assault.\n\nThat's been my motto since childhood. The moment an opportunity arises is the moment to strike. Strength alone isn't the issue.
Sys426839_szquest_accept_detailMaybe that really is a chance to save her. If the situation gets out of hand, then I'll make a snap decision.\n\nAnyway, we have to stop [123239|Sismond].\n\nBut what can we do?\n\n(Will is at a loss for words.)
Sys426839_szquest_complete_detailYou really are a true friend. Thank you. Talking to you has helped a lot.
Sys426839_szquest_descTalk to [123246|Will Kanches].
Sys426839_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow am I? I don't know... I just don't know.