result count: 9

SC_426876_1We're staying!
SC_426876_2It'd be better if we left.
SC_426876_3Help me to light this. We'll defeat this [123239|Sismond]. Anyway, [122980|Kidd] still owes us a favor.
SC_426876_4That's the way it is. Each person has to make their own decisions in life. We wish you luck.
Sys426876_nameA Cry for Allies
Sys426876_szquest_accept_detailI don't want to give a speech. We really don't care what you think about it, we're just counting on your being there.\n\nEverything, but everything which happens on this island is according to [122980|Kidd's] plan. The plan was a masterpiece, but we didn't reckon with [123239|Sismond]. [123239|Sismond] wants to take charge for himself. But our plan is already in effect and there's nothing we can do to change it. If he finds our master's body, he could destroy the entire island in one blow with the master's powers. That would be an utter catastrophe.\n\nSo what do you think? Will you flee? Or will you stay? What do you say?
Sys426876_szquest_complete_detailI know that spoken agreements often aren't worth the paper they're written on. But up until now we've only met very unreliable characters.
Sys426876_szquest_descPledge your support to [123250|Kidd's Sons].
Sys426876_szquest_uncomplete_detailLet's have a chat.