result count: 5

Sys426877_nameUnauthorized Access
Sys426877_szquest_accept_detailThis is only the first step. The difficult parts still lie ahead. The seal has been broken. Your enemy, [123239|Sismond], has broken through the test's barriers and infiltrated the place that was forbidden to him.\n\nIt's time for you to decide what to do. I'm placing the fate of this entire island in your hands. We can't change the test now. If you want to catch this monster, then you and your captain will have to hurry.
Sys426877_szquest_complete_detail[122975|Sismond] has blocked our path. But he shouldn't think we've given up. I swear I shall fight on with all my strength.
Sys426877_szquest_descGive the [243168|Shining Will o' the Wisp] to the captain and ask [123463|Will Kanches] what should happen next.