result count: 5

Sys426883_nameSetting Off
Sys426883_szquest_accept_detailOnly after we'd arrived in [ZONE_SOUTHERN_KATHALAN|Kashaylan] did we realize how dire the situation is. With the arrival of [122975|Sismond] everything was brought out of balance, and the land lies covered in ash and ruin.\n\nWe can't follow him any further. Come and take a look at the situation for yourself.
Sys426883_szquest_complete_detailWhen I heard the horse come charging up out of the distance, I already had an image of disaster before me. I was relieved once I recognized it was you.\n\nWe're very fortunate that you were able to come so quickly.
Sys426883_szquest_descGet ready to set off and talk to [123336|Haydek].
Sys426883_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe can set off as soon as you're ready.