result count: 7

SC_426886_1Tras abrir la botella percibís un aroma dulzón. Vuestro rostro se calienta como si hubierais bebido un trago de vino dulce.As soon as you open the bottle a sweet smell washes over you. Your face becomes very warm, as though you'd just taken a sip of sweet wine.
SC_426886_2Percibís un penetrante olor a putrefacción que casi os corta la respiración.The acrid smell of rotting flesh fills your nostrils and nearly chokes you.
Sys426886_nameAgua milagrosa del pantanoThe Wondrous Swamp Water
Sys426886_szquest_accept_detailNo resulta fácil explicar las dificultades en este punto de control. \n\nAquí hay dos botellas de agua. Una contiene agua de antes y otra de después de que [121197|Sismond] destruyera el mecanismo. Abridlas y oled. Mientras tanto os lo explicaré.It isn't easy to explain the difficulties with this control point.\n\nHere are two bottles of water, one with the water quality from before [121197|Sismond] destroyed the mechanism, the other with the water quality from afterwards. Open them up and have a smell. While you're doing that, I'll explain.
Sys426886_szquest_complete_detail¿Entendéis ahora lo peligroso de la situación?\n\nEntre los tesoros de Kidd no hay nada tan valioso como el mecanismo para la producción de vino. Se trata del invento más importante de la historia de nuestra civilización. [121229|Sismond] no comprende el extraordinario significado de este mecanismo y lo ha destruido de forma arbitraria. Tenemos que reconstruirlo a toda costa. Después tendremos que adentrarnos en la [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Tumba de Kidd] y castigar a ese rufián.\n\n([123338|Ginawei] os arrebata la botella verde y se la bebe de un trago.)Do you understand now how dangerous the situation is?\n\nThere's nothing more precious amongst all of Kidd's treasures than the mechanism for making wine. It's by far the greatest invention in the history of our civilization. [121229|Sismond] didn't see the unbelievable importance of this mechanism, and just destroyed it out of hand. It is vital that we restore it. Then we ought to charge into [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave] and teach this fiend a lesson.\n\n([123338|Ginawei] snatches the green bottle out of your hands and noisily glugs it down.)
Sys426886_szquest_descAbrid las dos botellas que [123338|Ginawei] os ha dado.Open the two bottles [123338|Ginawei] gave you.
Sys426886_szquest_uncomplete_detail¡Rápido! ¡Oled!Go on, have a smell!