result count: 11
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_Z29Q426905_1 | Somos... somos buscadores de tesoros especializados en náufragos y criptas, aunque tampoco es que seamos conocidos. Pero hablemos mejor de la [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Cripta de la Eternidad]. | We... we are treasure hunters specializing in ship wrecks and crypts. But we haven't made much of a name for ourselves. Still, let's talk about the [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity]. |
SC_Z29Q426905_2 | La [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Cripta de la Eternidad]... En "Kidd y su banda graciosa" se habla del [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatorio], con el que viajan Kidd y su tripulación.\n\nSeguro que alguna vez os habéis preguntado cómo llegó el [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatorio] a esta jungla, ¿no? El asunto es que el [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatorio] puede navegar no solo por mar, sino también por aire. Tras un accidente, cayó el cielo. Lo que os voy a contar ahora es información verídica que he reunido de los diferentes documentos y relatos que he estudiado. No intentéis averiguar qué fuentes son: se trata de un secreto familiar.\n\nEn resumen: Los monstruos que Kidd ha invocado de los cuatro vientos se han instalado allí. Además están esas imitaciones, que no son para tomarse a la ligera. No obstante, yo tengo una observación más que hacer. | The [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity]... in "Kidd and His Merry Band" there's talk of the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatory], which Kidd and his men sailed around in.\n\nYou've no doubt asked yourself how the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatory] ended up in this jungle, right? The truth is that the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatory] can sail just as well in the sky as the sea. After the accident it fell out of the heavens. What I'm about to tell you is absolutely true. I pieced it together from bits of information in various documents and stories. Don't even bother trying to find out what sources I used, that's a family secret.\n\nIn a nutshell: the monsters Kidd shipped around from every direction took nest inside. And then there are these dummies, which really shouldn't be trifled with. Though there is something more I could say. |
SC_Z29Q426905_3 | En la [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Cripta de la Eternidad] encontramos Muertos vivientes que no se mencionaban en los documentos. Debían de ser miembros de la tripulación que perdieron la vida en el accidente del [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Hijos de Kidd]. [123397|Paki gordito] opina que las fuentes son erróneas, pero yo creo que eso no concuerda con la manera que tenía Kidd de tratar a los suyos. Seguro que hay algo más.\n\nLos líderes que se mencionan en los documentos son especialmente terribles. Hay que evitarlos como sea... bueno, sus cadáveres. | We met undead creatures in the [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity], which weren't mentioned in the documents. Presumably they're crew members who lost their lives when the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons] capsized. [123397|Tubby Pucky] thinks our sources are wrong, but I just don't think that matches up with the way Kidd treated his men. There's more here than meets the eye.\n\nThe worst thing mentioned in the documents are the chiefs. You should definitely steer well clear of them... well... their corpses at least. |
SC_Z29Q426905_AN_1 | ¿Quién sois? | Who are you? |
SC_Z29Q426905_AN_2 | ¿La [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Cripta de la Eternidad]? ¿Qué lugar es ese? | The [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity]? What is that? |
SC_Z29Q426905_AN_3 | ¿Tenéis algún problema? | Have you got a problem? |
Sys426905_name | Las leyendas sobre Kidd y el barco zozobrado | The Legends of Kidd and the Capsized Ship |
Sys426905_szquest_accept_detail | Sigo vivo. Vi una mujer que me hacía señales desde el otro lado del río y casi me lancé. Todavía me siento algo aturdido, pero por suerte sigo vivo. ¿Me habéis salvado vos? Os lo agradezco de todo corazón.\n\nY... ¿qué pasó con [123402|Kilian]? ¿Todavía no ha salido? Ahí dentro es muy peligroso, ¡pero él se atrevió a adentrarse por su cuenta! No lo logrará nunca... ¡No, tengo que rescatarlo!\n\n([123397|Paki gordito] tira de [123398|Nani Ur] y le susurra algo al oído. Entonces, [123398|Nani Ur] os mira con ojos esperanzados). | I'm still alive. I've just seen that woman, waving to me from the other end of the river... I could feel her calling me... I very nearly went to her. I still feel rather woozy, but at least I'm alive. Did you save me? I owe you my deepest gratitude.\n\nAnd... what about [123402|Kilian]? Did he get out? It's so dangerous in there, yet he summoned up the courage to enter alone! He'll never make it... no! I must save him!\n\n([123397|Tubby Pucky] pulls [123398|Nani Ur] closer and whispers something in his ear. Then [123398|Nani Ur] looks at you hopefully.)\n\nMy good sir, Pucky has just told me about your bravery. Might I ask you to assist us in the search for our partner? We found ourselves in great difficulties earlier and that's why he remained behind, to help us. I realize you must have problems of your own. If you don't wish, then I would naturally understand.\n\nIf you aren't able to assist us, then I shall have to try to rescue him myself. But if you agree, then I could give you some information about the [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity]. You'll be able to get your bearings a lot easier with that information. If you wish to use the knowledge for your treasure hunting, I won't stand in your way. |
Sys426905_szquest_complete_detail | ([123398|Nani Ur] os mira lleno de esperanza).\n\nMe preocupa mucho [123402|Kilian]. ¡Por favor, ayudadme! | ([123398|Nani Ur] looks at you, eyes filled with hope.)\n\nI'm really worried about [123402|Kilian]. Please, help me! |
Sys426905_szquest_desc | Pedidle a [123398|Nani Ur] información sobre la [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Cripta de la Eternidad]. | Get some information about the [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity] from [123398|Nani Ur]. |
Sys426905_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Cada minuto cuenta. Si no me ayudáis vos, iré yo. | Every second counts. If you don't help, then I'll go myself. |