result count: 6

SC_Z29Q426906_1[123398|Nani Ur] quiere que os saque de aquí.[123398|Nani Ur] wants me to lead you out of here.
Sys426906_namePerdidoConfused and Disoriented
Sys426906_szquest_accept_detail¡Os lo ruego, buscad a [123402|Kilian]! Nos separamos camino del "Martillo de lobo" [103386|Adur]. ¡No puede andar nada lejos!I beg of you, find [123402|Kilian]! We got separated on the way to "Wolfhammer" [103386|Adur]. He must be near here somewhere!
Sys426906_szquest_complete_detail(Cuando [123402|Kilian] oye el nombre de [123398|Nani Ur] se anima rápidamente).\n\nSi podéis huir, huid. No hace falta que me busquéis. No me iré hasta que lo haya reunido todo.(Once [123402|Kilian] hears [123398|Nani Ur's] name, he suddenly becomes very animated.)\n\nIf you can, then go, flee from here. You needn't come looking for me. I'll leave only when I have everything.
Sys426906_szquest_descId a la [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Cripta de la Eternidad] y buscad a [123402|Kilian].Enter the [ZONE_THRONE_CATACOMB|Crypt of Eternity] and search for [123402|Kilian].
Sys426906_szquest_uncomplete_detail([123402|Kilian] os mira atento y vigilante. Lleva la mano derecha a su arma).([123402|Kilian] watches you guardedly, putting a hand on his weapon.)