result count: 7

SC_Z29Q426912_01[123455|Paul Jenot] sent me to get...
SC_Z29Q426912_02(The [123456|Fake Shotak Pirate] puts his hand over your mouth and drags you to the side.)\n\nPssst! Keep quiet. Do you want to blow my cover?
Sys426912_nameWho's the Spy?
Sys426912_szquest_accept_detailAre you Ailic's First Mate?\n\nDo you think you could get into Kraken's camp?\n\nHehe, let's make a little deal, Ailic's Mate. [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates] can't have much to offer as trading partners. But if you look at this life of luxury in the camp, you'll know that the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates] are the better choice.\n\nNevertheless, as a gesture of my goodwill towards [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates], I'll let you in on a little secret. Not too long ago we planted a spy in the [ZONE_WAYFINDER_CAMP|Pioneers Camp]. We only need to wait for the report from this [123456|Fake Shotak Pirate] and we'll be able to make a real killing!\n\nHehe, once we've got the report, we won't forget to reward [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates]. Ailic's First Mate, you only need to do me one small favor. Go to the [ZONE_WAYFINDER_CAMP|Pioneers Camp] and find the [123456|Fake Shotak Pirate]. Bring back his report and the Camp of Cleansing's resources will be at your service. What do you say? Is that a fair deal?
Sys426912_szquest_complete_detailAha, so [123455|Paul Jenot] sent you! You should've told me that in the first place.
Sys426912_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_WAYFINDER_CAMP|Pioneers Camp] and find the [123456|Fake Shotak Pirate]. Listen to his report on [123455|Paul Jenot's] behalf.
Sys426912_szquest_uncomplete_detailWho... who are you?\n\nI'm not dodgy in the slightest. I've been with the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] for ages! How could I possibly be a [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirate] spy?