result count: 5

Sys426932_nameTuning the Devices
Sys426932_szquest_accept_detail([123396|Jola] is busy making her repairs. She doesn't even raise her head to talk to you.)\n\nHey, Koli, where were you? Oh, I mistook you for someone else. He's probably off somewhere doing your job. But don't think that there's nothing for you to do. Bring me some [<S>243137|Dark Shadow Stones]. The shadow machine is in worse shape than I thought.
Sys426932_szquest_complete_detailThank you... wait. What? It's you? I thought you were Koli.
Sys426932_szquest_descFind 10 [<S>243137|Dark Shadow Stones] and bring them to [123396|Jola] so she can repair the shadow machine.
Sys426932_szquest_uncomplete_detailLet me think a moment. Haven't I already repaired it? It's always breaking down lately. Is the master trying to test me somehow?