result count: 5

Sys426945_nameOne More Fight
Sys426945_szquest_accept_detailLast time you beat the brothers [123386|Fester] and [123387|Leonardo]. Since then they've been dying to pay you back. Why don't you show them once and for all that you're stronger than they are?
Sys426945_szquest_complete_detailThose two still have a lot to learn. Their fighting skills are very disappointing. How dare they appear before the master is ill prepared as they are?
Sys426945_szquest_descChallenge [123386|Fester] and [123387|Leonardo].
Sys426945_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe longer people live, the slower their thought processes become. I'm always impressed by people who still have energy for their goals when they age. Maybe my energy will come back, once the master returns.