result count: 5

Sys426948_nameThe Fragment Collector
Sys426948_szquest_accept_detailI'm gradually beginning to understand the properties of that strange metal on the [SC_PIRATE_KIDSSHIP|Purgatory]. That means our research into the Otherworld will make quicker progress than expected.\n\nI'm sure you'd like to help me with the research, right?
Sys426948_szquest_complete_detailMy laboratory is equipped with even better gear and more books. During my time away from [SC_GDDR_00|Gerador], I hunted down everything I could about the fragments.
Sys426948_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>243144|Purgatory Fragments] and take them to [123407|Gisela Taifu] so she can conduct research into the Otherworld.
Sys426948_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis is no laughing matter. We can only speculate about what the future still holds for us.