result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys426954_name | La leyenda de la expulsión de gatos | The Legend of Feline Banishment |
Sys426954_szquest_accept_detail | He recogido y registrado las historias de la [ZONE_WALOR_VILLAGE|Aldea Walu]. En ese proceso he descubierto que algunas de esas leyendas tienen que ver con [122980|Kidd].\n\nTenéis que verlo. | I've been collecting the stories of the [ZONE_WALOR_VILLAGE|Walu Village] and writing them down. One of the things I've discovered is that some of the stories are related to [122980|Kidd].\n\nYou absolutely must see them for yourself! |
Sys426954_szquest_complete_detail | El gran héroe que se menciona aquí debe de ser [122980|Kidd].\n\nDisculpad, a lo mejor os aburro, pero es que siempre que encuentro un texto nuevo y descubro su simbolismo, me emociono mucho y tengo que compartirlo con alguien. | The hero mentioned here is most likely [122980|Kidd].\n\nSorry, maybe you find it boring. But every time I discover a new text and unravel its symbolism, I'm always dead excited. I always have to share my findings with someone straight away. |
Sys426954_szquest_desc | Leed las [<S>243157|Notas manuscritas] de [123449|Tania Leiff]. | Read the [<S>243157|Handwritten Notes] from [123449|Tania Leiff]. |
Sys426954_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Rápido, os he dado una historia, ¡leedla, vamos! | Quick, I've given you another story. Read it, quickly! |