result count: 5

Sys426955_nameThe Plaited Vine
Sys426955_szquest_accept_detailI'd absolutely love to watch the Feline Banishment Ceremony. Want to come with me?\n\nFor the ceremony the shaman needs real cats, as well as plaited [<S>243158|Yellow-Flowered Vines], to cast the spell of banishment. I'm pretty good at braiding, I think I should be good enough. If you get me a few vines with yellow flowers, I'll prove it to you.\n\nThere are lots of dangerous creatures by the [ZONE_EMERALD_WATERWAY|Emerald River]. Be careful while gathering them!
Sys426955_szquest_complete_detailThank you very much. When I talked to those people I realized they are even more interesting. Wait until I've got everything organized, then I'll tell you more.
Sys426955_szquest_descSearch for [<S>123450|Dandeors] by the [ZONE_EMERALD_WATERWAY|Emerald River] and bring back 5 [<S>243158|Yellow-Flowered Vines].
Sys426955_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you still not finished collecting? Would you like to have a drink of water before you go on?