result count: 5

Sys426972_nameCulinary Evolution
Sys426972_szquest_accept_detailFirst Mate, do you think you could bring me some [<S>201572|Shatterstars of Earth] and [<S>201574|Shatterstars of Fire]? My friend from the Shotaks and myself are responsible for the food in the camp, and we've been discussing some of the recipes we'd like to try out. We'd like to try a little experiment using [<S>201572|Shatterstars of Earth] and [<S>201574|Shatterstars of Fire] to control the temperature.\n\nPlease, whatever you do, don't let the others know we're using their samples for cooking. It'll only cause aggro.
Sys426972_szquest_complete_detailThank you greatly! If we manage to produce something tasty, don't worry, you'll be the first one to enjoy our culinary delights!
Sys426972_szquest_descProvide 5 [<S>201572|Shatterstars of Earth] and 5 [<S>201574|Shatterstars of Fire] for [123478|Judie Kanspeng].
Sys426972_szquest_uncomplete_detailI find it really hard to believe that you can find connoisseurs even amongst pirates. We got on well right from the start.