result count: 10

SC_Z30Q426975_1Counterfeit goods! I've got you figured!
SC_Z30Q426975_2No, please, stop hitting me! I can already see stars. And I'll never do it again, I swear!
SC_Z30Q426975_3Alright, I'm not as strong as you, ergo I'll have to agree. But I'll have my revenge one of these days. You'd better watch your back!
SC_Z30Q426975_4Don't hurt me! I give up!
SC_Z30Q426975_5The things are with [123471|Karl Hoffman]!
Sys426975_nameFaked Goods
Sys426975_szquest_accept_detailFirst Mate, the situation is serious! I think someone has fooled us! A group is going around pretending to be [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons] and managed to defraud many camps of gold and other valuables. We're not the only ones affected, members of the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] and [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates] have also fallen for the ruse.\n\nLet me have a think... they're using some strange flag. Neither the writing nor the color is the same as the original. Everything about it was wrong, yet loads of people believed them and handed over their goods without a moment's hesitation.\n\nWell this isn't the time for discussion. We need to hunt down these scoundrels as quickly as possible and make sure we get our stuff back. After punishing them properly first, of course!
Sys426975_szquest_complete_detailWhere've they gotten to? So unreliable... wait, stop it! I give up! I give up!
Sys426975_szquest_descPunish the impostors who're pretending to be Kidd's sons.
Sys426975_szquest_uncomplete_detailStop playing the fool! I'm a member of [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|Kidd's Sons]. If you insult me I'll maroon you on a desert island!