result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys426977_name | Alimentar a una familia | Feeding a Family |
Sys426977_szquest_accept_detail | ¿Por qué estáis aquí de nuevo? Ya os he devuelto todo. Solo le arrebatamos a la gente algunas cosas sin valor. Por favor, no nos hagáis nada... Sólo quería comprar algo de comer para mis hermanos pequeños. Jamás han podido comer un plato decente. Solo quería darles un poco de esperanza, para que no tengan que estar preocupándose constantemente por su siguiente comida...\n\n([123471|Karl Hoffman] os da lástima. Tal vez no sería mala idea ofrecerle vuestra ayuda.) | Why are you here again? I already gave everything back. We only fleeced people for a few little things. Please don't hurt us... I simply wanted to buy something for my family. They haven't had a decent square meal since the day they were born. I wanted to give them hope, give the chance to live without having to worry about where their next meal was coming from...\n\n(You have pity for [123471|Karl Hoffman]. Maybe helping him would be the right thing to do.) |
Sys426977_szquest_complete_detail | Esta carne... ¡Sois muy generoso! | This meat... you've very generous! |
Sys426977_szquest_desc | Conseguid 10 pedazos de [243171|Carne de lobo gigante] para [123471|Karl Hoffman], para que pueda alimentar a su familia. | Get 10 lots of [243171|Giant Wolf Meat] for [123471|Karl Hoffman] so he can feed his family. |
Sys426977_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Venimos de una zona muy pobre. En realidad solo queríamos colarnos en el barco para robar algo. Pero no contábamos con que el barco zarpase. Así que ahora nos encontramos aquí, en esta isla desierta. Hemos tenido suerte de no habernos encontrado aún con ningún peligro... | We're from a very poor area. Originally the plan was to sneak onto the ship and steal something, but we hadn't expected it to set sail. Now we find ourselves stranded on this island. The only stroke of luck we've had is that we've managed to stay out of danger until now... |