result count: 6

SC_Z30Q426984_1Feel free to take a few more [<S>243163|Energy Disruptors]!
Sys426984_nameStop the Kashay
Sys426984_szquest_accept_detailThese specially developed [<S>243163|Energy Disruptors] should be able to stop the Kashay. They merely need to be mounted in the right points, and they'll prevent the Kashay from using the energy collected by the mechanism. I'd like to entrust the job of mounting these energy disruptors to you. This issue isn't only [SC_PIRATE_KIDSOFKIDD|our] problem. You really don't want to learn what it's like to lose control of your own body, to have your very senses torn from you, to be stolen of your freedom.
Sys426984_szquest_complete_detailIf the master were here, he'd send them straight back into the void.
Sys426984_szquest_descMount the 10 [<S>243163|Energy Disruptors] on the prepared [<S>123474|assemblage points].
Sys426984_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope [123396|Jola's] energy disruptors work as planned.