result count: 7

SC_Z30_Q426985_01[121772|Zak Balu] told me I should come and talk to you.
SC_Z30_Q426985_02[121772|Zak Balu] told you to help us?\n\nBalu! That is truly laughable! What makes him think he knows how to find good warriors?\n\nVery well! He's the chief, I have no choice but to obey.
Sys426985_nameThe Will of the Warrior
Sys426985_szquest_accept_detailSince you make it to here, you must be very powerful. Still, we cannot allow you to walk around Balu tribal space as you wish. Unless you willing to ally yourself to Balu. If you willing to become Balu warrior and fight our enemies, I tell other Balu leave you in peace. But remember this offer only open to you.\n\nIf you agree, talk to [115807|Davo Balu]. He is responsible for training Balu warriors.
Sys426985_szquest_complete_detail([115807|Davo Balu] pins a crimson badge to your breast.)\n\nThis is sign which identifies you as Balu warrior. As long as you carry it, [<S>107424|Balu Villagers] won't attack you unprovoked.
Sys426985_szquest_descFind [115807|Davo Balu] and become a Balu warrior.
Sys426985_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey, pirate! You not allowed to walk around Balu territory like you own place.