result count: 9

SC_Z30_Q426993_01Do you know anything about Hulu Balu, Chabang Balu and Wala Balu?
SC_Z30_Q426993_02You're... you're looking for Wala Balu?\n\n(You tell [121963|Wuga Balu] that [123366|Kusi Balu] is looking for Wala Balu.)\n\nBalu! [123366|Kusi Balu] indeed...\n\nWe shouldn't keep the truth from him. The only thing left of Wala Balu is his short spear. Wala Balu himself has joined ranks with our ancestors.\n\nBalu! Take [243176|Wala Balu's Short Spear] to [123366|Kusi Balu].
SC_Z30_Q426993_03I'm on the search for Hulu Balu, Chabang Balu and Wala Balu.
SC_Z30_Q426993_04Hulu Balu?\n\nHe was a true hero - a role model for every Balu warrior. I have the utmost admiration for him!\n\nHowever, he already stands at our ancestors' side and cannot fight alongside us any longer.\n\nHere, let me give you the [242973|Hulu Balu's Ring]. That's all we have left of him.
Sys426993_nameLost Childhood
Sys426993_szquest_accept_detailBalubalu! *sniff*\n\nIt was really not possible to stop attacks of Kashay. But after [123366|Kusi Balu] returned to village, [123366|Kusi Balu] could not find friends any more...\n\nCan you help [123366|Kusi Balu]? Go to [ZONE_VORDO_SETTLEMENT|Balu Village] and search for friends of [123366|Kusi Balu]. They're called Hulu Balu, Chabang Balu, and Wala Balu.
Sys426993_szquest_complete_detail(You tell [123366|Kusi Balu] what you found out and give him the tokens...)\n\nThis is [242973|Hulu Balu's Ring]. He got it from father. Ring is symbol of a warrior, should be worn on battlefield.\n\nThis! This is [243102|Chabang Balu's Ring]. He never take it off, because he worry someone steal his ring...\n\nAnd this, this is [243176|Wala Balu's Short Spear]. He make amazing short spears. He know he was not so good warrior compared to other Balu warriors. So he work on spears until they were really sharp and pointy...\n\nNone of them is ever coming back...
Sys426993_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_VORDO_SETTLEMENT|Balu Village] and ask about [123366|Kusi Balu's] friends.\n\n<CY>You can ask the following people:</CY>\n[115807|Davo Balu]\n[123561|Jenn Shadoli]\n[121963|Wuga Balu]
Sys426993_szquest_uncomplete_detail*sniff*\n\nWhere've they all gone to?