result count: 6

SC_Z30_Q426994_01You drop the [243178|Wishing Rune] in the pond.
Sys426994_nameSomething Left To Do
Sys426994_szquest_accept_detail[123366|Kusi Balu] now very sad, but others not need to worry about [123366|Kusi Balu]. Items were very important to friends. [123366|Kusi Balu] wanted to take items to battlefield and avenge friends. [123366|Kusi Balu] believes they now with ancestors. [123366|Kusi Balu] believes friends and ancestors protect [123366|Kusi Balu].\n\nBefore [123366|Kusi Balu] return to battlefield, [123366|Kusi Balu] want to do one more thing. But [123366|Kusi Balu] need a Wishing Rune. To make Wishing Rune, need [243177|Tanzila Volcano Sludge] from [ZONE_TANZILA_VOLCANO|Tanzila Volcano] and water from Pond of Hope. I go now and get water from pond. Please, can you go to [ZONE_TANZILA_VOLCANO|Tanzila Volcano] and get me some [243177|Tanzila Volcano Sludge]?
Sys426994_szquest_complete_detailFirst you kneed the [243177|Tanzila Volcano Sludge]. Then add a little water from Pond of Hope and mold into Wishing Rune. Finished!\n\nNow only missing wish...\n\n\n([123366|Kusi Balu] holds the Wishing Rune carefully in his hands and whispers something to it. It looks to you as if it started to glow slightly, as it absorbed [123366|Kusi Balu's] wish...)\n\nBalubalu! Wishing Rune is ready!
Sys426994_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_TANZILA_VOLCANO|Tanzila Volcano] and collect some [243177|Tanzila Volcano Sludge] for [123366|Kusi Balu].
Sys426994_szquest_uncomplete_detailI already get water from Pond of Hope. And you?