result count: 7

SC_Z30_Q426995_01I've lost the [243178|Wishing Rune]...
SC_Z30_Q426995_02How can you just lose a creature's one and only hope like that?\n\nYou've gone and betrayed its feelings!\n\nAll right, everyone deserves a second chance. But don't lose the [243178|Wishing Rune] again!
Sys426995_nameWishful Thinking
Sys426995_szquest_accept_detailBalubalu! This is only water source for entire Balu village in this dry area. We call place [123268|Pond of Hope]. We believe you can send wish to ancestors by using [243178|Wishing Rune] in [123268|Pond of Hope].\n\nBalubalu! In village we search for tribe members who want to fight on battlefield! I want to volunteer. Could you go to Pond of Hope and use [243178|Wishing Rune]? I have wish for my friends, friends who are now with ancestors.
Sys426995_szquest_complete_detailThank you. But I must speak truth. There is no such thing as [243178|Wishing Rune]. I simply make something out of mud. Laugh if you wish, but whether it works or not works, [123366|Kusi Balu] believe very much that wish reaches the ancestors.\n\nWarriors joining battlefield need some hope. Without hope, they have no chance on battlefield! But [123366|Kusi Balu] want to return to Balu village and celebrate victory with his people!\n\nBalubalu! You ask what I wish for?\n\nI wish that war soon ends, and that life in Balu village is once more happy and peaceful!
Sys426995_szquest_descHelp [123366|Kusi Balu] by going to the Pond of Hope and using the [243178|Wishing Rune].
Sys426995_szquest_uncomplete_detailBalubalu! [123366|Kusi Balu] want to avenge his friends and fight so our village is like it was.