result count: 5

Sys426996_nameFirewood Supplier
Sys426996_szquest_accept_detail[SC_Z29426880_01|I want to make this part of the canal navigable to ships again, and build a large distillery. I want to make the best brandy in world, with the best quality water. But it's difficult getting hold of the ingredients. I could use some help. Could you imagine working for me as a day laborer?]\n\nThe [<S>108268|River Valley Entlings] leave [243150|Usable Timber] behind them. Do you think you could bring me some?
Sys426996_szquest_complete_detailThank you! One step at a time, I'm slowly coming closer to my dreams.
Sys426996_szquest_descGet some [243150|Usable Timber] from the [<S>108268|River Valley Entlings].
Sys426996_szquest_uncomplete_detail[SC_Z29426880_02|If you're interested in the materials, you could happily put some aside for yourself.]