result count: 5

Sys427004_nameThe Unique Taste of Meat
Sys427004_szquest_accept_detailI'm not sure whether this little guy was only driven away or completely taken out of the game. But he's sure to return for some [243153|Pango Meat]. He's an absolute expert when it comes to grilling meat.\n\nGet some [243153|Pango Meat] for me. The juicier, the better.
Sys427004_szquest_complete_detailI don't know why, but every time I look at this meat it makes me want to cry.\n\nAh well, we ought to eat it together.
Sys427004_szquest_descGet 10 pieces of thick, juicy [243153|Pango Meat].
Sys427004_szquest_uncomplete_detailGet a move on, I'm waiting.