result count: 5

Sys427011_nameHealthy Snake Poison
Sys427011_szquest_accept_detailThere are people who say that alcohol which has been brewed with [243192|Snake Bile] possesses powers of healing. Sounds pretty idiotic to me. How can such a bitter ingredient be medicinal?\n\nStill, I've always been one for experimenting. Reckon you could fetch me some [243192|Snake Bile] so that I can try it out?
Sys427011_szquest_complete_detailSorry about that. I did say it was only one ingredient for the brandy. Dealing with snakes isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Sys427011_szquest_descSlay the [<S>108239|Purgatory Snakes] and get 5 lots of [243192|Snake Bile].
Sys427011_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou know what a snake is, right?