result count: 5

Sys427017_nameThe Brutal Blood Vine
Sys427017_szquest_accept_detailThe [108263|Brutal Thorned Blood Vine] is very rare, but it's even rarer to see its main shoots. They're an important organ, allowing it to make parasites. If you could bring me a few of these main shoots, it would help me a lot with my research.
Sys427017_szquest_complete_detailOh, I'm sure it can't have been easy to get that. Thanks for your help.
Sys427017_szquest_descFind 3 of the [108263|Brutal Thorned Blood Vine's] main shoots.
Sys427017_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou must bring down enough [<S>108141|Large Thorned Blood Vines] to find a [108263|Brutal Thorned Blood Vine].