result count: 5

Sys427021_nameMutual Transactions
Sys427021_szquest_accept_detail[122815|Scriptmaster Jann] already talked through the conditions with you. That's why I've been sent, to pick up more [<S>201571|Shatterstars of Water] and [<S>201573|Shatterstars of Wind]. You're researchers aren't spying on me, are they? After all, I'm just a mere lackey. If the business is no longer appealing, you can back out at any time. That's what the captain said when you made the agreement, after all.
Sys427021_szquest_complete_detailMy goodness, to look at the faces of some of your men, you could really lose your nerve. Almost as if I wanted to steal their precious treasures away from them! Really, the look in some of their eyes make my knees shake more than if I'd been summoned by the captain.
Sys427021_szquest_descThe [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] want to upgrade their ship and need 10 [<S>201571|Shatterstars of Water] and 10 [<S>201573|Shatterstars of Wind] to do so.
Sys427021_szquest_uncomplete_detail[122815|Scriptmaster Jann] wants to increase the ship's speed. After all, on the high seas that can make all the difference between life and death.