result count: 5

Sys427026_nameRock Agate
Sys427026_szquest_accept_detailIf you could bring me a few [<S>243107|Agate Branches], I'll see to it that you receive sufficient reward. But be careful! [<S>243107|Agate Branches] can only be found in [108426|Giant Frenzied Wolf] territory. As if they weren't inherently wild enough, this additional elemental energy has caused them to become even more territorial in this area, so make sure you're on your guard when you're collecting [<S>243107|Agate Branches].\n\nFirst Mate, if you could make this material available, I'll be able to concentrate better on getting down to proper research. You do the grunt work and I'll have some time to think. A fair division of labor, wouldn't you agree?
Sys427026_szquest_complete_detailHehe, I don't want the commander coming along watching over my shoulder. I can't work as fast as [123306|Mag Neigh].\n\nI mean, I'm full of energy, never leave any tasks undone. Isn't that enough?
Sys427026_szquest_descCollect [243107|branches] of [<S>123319|Agate Wood] and take them to [123310|Wotana].
Sys427026_szquest_uncomplete_detail[123319|Agate Wood] only grows in very particular conditions. What's special about it is the grainy texture which looks exactly the same as Agate Crystals. On the open market it fetches eye-watering prices.